Some Posters that I found on MySpace that helps to give a picture of Nationalized Health Care. WE DIDN'T NEED IT WHILE I WAS GROWING UP; WE SURE DO NOT NEED IT NOW!
This is really scary that our US gov't wants to do this to our people. I do understand that there are people out there w/o insurance; however, let me tell you if the crack heads to were sue happy would for every little tiny thing didn't get their case through the courts, then we wouldn't have the high medical care rates today. Insurance companies are the other problem. I will attest to that.
What we do need is some overhaul, cutting back, and sensible solutions. The less government is in your life and mine the better!! How many more freedoms are you going to allow them to take before enough is enough?? What will it take, another American Revolution/ Civil War??